Last update: June 23, 2024
[New State] proposes a bill to stop the sale of tropical milkweed plants in California nurseries.
Butterflies are like flowers that fly. The monarch is like the American bald eagle of the butterfly world. Wilkweed is the host plant required for the monarch butterfly to lay its eggs, which hatch into caterpillars. The monarch butterfly has lost 90% of its population in the last thirty years due to human population growth. Tropical milkweed plants, which are not native to California, are toxic to the native California monarch butterfly population. The tropical milkweed can carry a parasite that causes monarchs to develop deformed wings and can even infect healthy monarchs who were born on the California native milkweed. California-native milkweed is already sold in nurseries. Nurseries in California should only sell native milkweed plants. Business profit should come second to moral duty.
[New State] opposes the California minimum wage increase to $25 hr and even $50 hr as hinted to by Mayer of Los Angeles Karen Bass to create a living wage for fast food workers and others.
Historically, minimum-wage jobs were starter jobs filled by young white students while going to school and living with their parents. Over the past 50 years, immigrants from Central America with less interest in education have taken many of these jobs as full-time work to support a family. These jobs were never intended for that purpose. Raising the minimum wage doesn't address the root cause of the problem: too many immigrants and high birth rates push housing demand and prices from $250,000 to $1,000,000 within 35 years, resulting in a perceived need for higher wages. Another root cause is home owners using their homes as investment vehicles, further dividing the haves from the have-nots. Raising the minimum wage will never catch up to the greatest expense (a house) if we only think like capitalists. In addition, California is not a vast flat expanse like Texas, with plenty of room to build more houses with not much to sacrifice. California has sizable, inhospitable deserts, mountains, and canyons; natural wonders and beautiful treasures; a population already experiencing water shortages, wildfires, and pollution. The [New State] solution is immigration control and restrictions on foreign countries such as China from buying up properties, plus sensible family planning and human quality control and the creation of zoning for low-income or non-investment properties for qualifying citizens.
[New State] proposes that rich people pay for speeding tickets and other crimes—an amount proportional to their income or net worth, as they do in Sweden.
I worked as a valet servant at a four-star restaurant in Newport Beach, CA, for twenty years. One of our guests, a Ferrari owner,
called his assistant in Las Vegas to tell him to be ready to pick him up from the police station that day because he was going to
race up to Las Vegas as fast as he could. The current fine is no deterrent for the rich. Under the [New State] plan, this person,
who is putting the public at risk to express his dominance, could have a couple of political points and healthcare credits revoked
in addition to a speeding ticket proportional to his wealth.
[New State] proposes a simple permit program allowing for special days each year for qualifying drivers and their exotic cars to
freely race through the desert on select highways monitored by the California Highway Patrol for safety.
[New State] opposes state-mandated new housing units for Beverly Hills and Huntington Beach, CA.
Building more housing will not solve the housing shortage without controls on population growth, family planning to improve human quality, and a realistic immigration policy. Some cities have character, a valued culture, tourism, and a reputation to protect, plus little room for additional homes. The root cause of the housing crisis is corrupt leadership caused by the social stigma of racism that has permeated the US since the 1960's and debilitated our leaders ability to think critically as they now walk tunnel visioned on government floors made of polite eggshells.
[New State] proposes incentives such as tax breaks to those businesses that allow some of their qualifying employees to work remotely.
Smart people can make remote work work. There is no labor shortage on Earth. There are just labor distribution shortfalls. The remote work option will help to solve this problem as well as relieve overcrowding and unnecessary travel, thus making work more efficient. When humans become a spacefaring civilization, remote work by way of telecommunications will be common; therefore, working out the remote work bugs today will prepare humans for space tomorrow.
[New State] supports Warren Buffett's financial plan to eliminate America's 31 trillion-dollar national debt.
Future generations should not have to pay the bills of past generations. [New State] supports Warren Buffett's suggestion to "pass a law that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP, all sitting members of Congress are ineligible for reelection."
[New State] supports the fulfillment of happiness and well-being for the LBGTQ people who are already born into this world.
[New State] proposes classifying the LBGTQ intersex... group as people possessing degenerate (born with malfunctioning or incorrect biological traits)—no fault of their own—that cause disfunction and conflict in society. Note: All people have some degenerate, defective, or inferior traits, for example, IQ, looks, and health, that should be filtered out of the population. The goal of [New State] is to take steps each generation to improve the gene pool and the processes of bringing new people into the world.
[New State] will not support reparation programs and payouts to descendants of slaves.
Less than two percent of white people in the 1800's owned any slaves. [New State] proposes finding any wealthy descendants of slave owners and reallocating some of their wealth instead.
[New State] will support making standard time permanent.
Make Standard Time permanent to end fallback and springforward time changes and aim for a time window that best correlates with the sun's cycle and our body's clock.
[New State] will support tight immigration controls to stabilize housing prices.
The middle class is disappearing, largely because housing is unaffordable. Citizens should not be forced to leave their family and move to another state or country to own a home. Never-ending population growth is unsustainable because there are not enough natural resources like trees for building materials, practical living space, safe water to drink, parking, effective ways to control pollution, and so on. Building more homes is only a short-term solution.
[New State] will support making it illegal to publish the tracking databases of the movements of private aircraft. Privacy should be a right.
Recently, a 19-year-old man published billionaire Elon Musk’s jet movements. Elon asked the man in a direct message, “Can you take this down? It is a security risk,” the 19-year-old said, saying he’d delete it only in exchange for a new Tesla Model 3.
[New State] will support keeping capital gains tax low.
Business owners can use more of the money they make to reinvest in their business or another investment. See: Why Swedens way is good for business
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