Sunday, February 23, 2025

[New State] values

Last update: August 24, 2024

Rules and guidelines

Rule: A rule is strict, as in, don't venture off the trail. The judgment was not made by you. It's made by the founders of the state and is based on reasons derived from logic, critical thinking, and an understanding of life derived from experience.

GGuideline: A guideline is more flexible, as in, don't venture too far from the trail. A guideline is like a framework that shows you perspective to help you judge a situation and aid in decision-making. However, 'YOU' must make the judgment call.

1. Follow the golden rule.

One should treat others as one would like others to treat oneself. The concept of the golden rule is over 4,000 years old. It basically means all individuals should have a conscience. I think the three biggest factors that determine an individual's conscience are:

1. The type of brain a person is born with.
2. How much hardship or oppression has that individual experienced?
3. If an individual experienced a health scare or someone close died.

I am sure there are others.

2. Foul language is discouraged.

The language people use is often a way people unknowingly program their subconscious for the path in life ahead. Foul language can indicate weak self-control. People who use foul language often find themselves drawn to groups of their own kind (people with weak self-control). It is in these groups that the individual will likely be introduced to other weak self-control behaviors like smoking, marijuana, alcohol, excessive tattoos, irresponsible sex, crime, etc. This is a slippery slope that leads to a dead end. 

3. Smoking, marijuana, drugs and alcohol.

These substances cause damage to the brain's self-control system. [New State] values the future. There is no future in these substances. With the exception of alcohol (see below), these substances are not permitted. In addition, these substances violate the principle of permanence.

4. Alcohol with limitations.

1. The consumption of alcohol should not exceed more than one glass a day. This is a guideline; [New State] is not going to micromanage your life.

A law already exists regarding pilots: "After drinking alcohol, a pilot must wait 8 hours before entering the cockpit of any aircraft." The same idea should apply with regard to alcohol and sex: a couple should not be intoxicated. If you feel you need to use alcohol to seduce the opposite sex, you do not understand the principles of sex appeal.

The intent of this guideline is to take seriously the prevention of unplanned pregnancies to keep the gene pool healthy.

2. Women shall not drink alcohol during a pregnancy. This is a rule.

This rule was partially derived from my observations working as a restaurant valet for 20 years—watching pregnant women get behind the wheel and drive their drunk husbands home. These men are worthless. When a pregnant woman is driving, her belly is almost touching a steering wheel that contains an explosive airbag.

Also, alcohol can seriously weaken the brain of an unborn baby. I had a co-worker who was the product of this. He still had intelligence, but he had less control over the use of his intelligence. 

5. Tattoos and piercings for both sexes are discouraged.

A tattoo is a violation of the principle of permanence.

Tattoos and piercings are sometimes indications that an individual is a blind social follower. That is, the individual is willing to put his or her health and future at risk just to be socially accepted by peers. This also applies to smokers. There is some evidence suggesting a tattoo can mess with the immune system and cause lymphoma.

A person with lots of tattoos and piercings indicates a willingness to take risks with their body. This would also indicate a higher likelihood of having a sexually transmitted disease. A woman's body is a scarce sexual resource that should remain unpolluted both internally from viruses and disease and externally from tattoos. The same applies to men as well. If every member of society had stronger self-control, there would be no STDs.

All members of [New State] belong to the same healthcare system. Because members of [New State] are born healthier and live a healthier lifestyle, healthcare costs will be lower. The avoidance of tattoos is consistent with a healthier lifestyle.

In addition, a tattoo indicates an individual may have stopped growing intellectually in some ways: the individual has made up his or her mind as to what he or she believes or stands for and is less open to change or personal growth. This is a violation of the objective principle.

There are exceptions. For example, a public figure such as an entertainer or musician may use a tattoo as an expression of his or her persona for the purpose of earning a living.

6. Tanning salons are forbidden.

A woman's skin is a scarce sexual resource. A tan, whether from the sun or a tanning salon, damages this resource and reduces sex appeal. Tanning salons are an unacceptable health risk. There are exceptions; for example, if a person cannot absorb vitamin D due to a gut medical condition, a tanning salon that produces UVB light (not UVA) might be a lifesaver. Consult with your doctor first.

In addition, affordable health care depends on the cooperation of [New State] citizens to live a healthy lifestyle.

[New State] students will be taught strategies and techniques to maximize sex appeal and minimize health risk. For example, the sun's rays become less harmful as the day begins to close. After 3:30 p.m. in the months near the winter solstice (November, December, and January) and after 6:30 p.m. in the months near the summer solstice (May, June, and July), these times happen to be directly linked to the latitude in the northern hemisphere that crosses Southern California. The times vary depending on the latitude you live at. Also, you can check on the internet what the current solar flare activity is doing to help you judge the risk. These are guidelines.

[[New State] housing architecture could possibly be designed in such a way as to provide places for sunning during safer times of day. These sunny places will be in shadow during those times of day when there's too much ultraviolet light.

Another option is the use of a black light system in certain locations, both indoors and outdoors, such as swimming pools and showers. When you're with that special someone, black lights make everyone look tan.

Note: A tan does not equal sex appeal. The main reason a tan looks appealing is because it washes out the skin, masking veins, uneven colors, freckles, and other skin anomalies that make the skin appear less smooth. White skin that does not show the aforementioned anomalies can appear just as silky smooth and sexually appealing as tan skin.

The best way to achieve long-term sex appeal is to have good genes, a healthy diet, and protect your skin from the damaging effects of the sun.

I am not an expert on this subject. This section is open to change.

7. Cosmetic surgery without good reason is forbidden.

One of the reasons for this section is to prevent what happened to a young 1990's sitcom actress who had unnecessary cosmetic surgery. Evolution blessed her with a good face. Now she looks tampered with. Evolution wired the human brain to remember faces. Even a subtle change to the face can trigger the brain of an observer to notice something is unnatural.

Young women are particularly vulnerable to being influenced into having cosmetic surgery. Too many cosmetic surgeons cannot be objective on this issue; they deceive themselves into subjectively believing cosmetic surgery is appropriate and then misguide the vulnerable.

Cosmetic surgery is subject to the principle of permanence.

All cosmetic surgery must be disclosed before having children. This is a rule.

I am not an expert on this subject. This section is open to change.

8. The purpose of soda drinks will be redefined.

Evolution never intended us to consume additive (man-made, refined) sugar. Our ancestors never consumed it because it didn't exist. Additive sugar may be the cause of many ailments. Soda drinks like Coke and Pepsi are poison for teeth. Studies reveal that less sugar consumed more frequently (snacking) does more damage to teeth and the body than more sugar consumed less frequently; therefore, the consumption of soda drinks should be for special occasions only or something else.

Sugar should be limited for all individuals until solutions or workarounds can be devised.

The intent of this guideline is:
1. Redefine sugary drinks and foods as a treat instead of a meal or supplement.
2. Do not become reliant on sugary drinks for energy.
3. You have a responsibility to the [New State] society to not overly burden the healthcare system.

9. Desserts (tasty delights) are defined as a treat (guideline).

The Standard American Diet (SAD) is unnatural for our bodies. Our evolutionary ancestors never ate this way. Sugar consumption must stay below the American average.

The purpose of dessert should not be to be an accessory to every meal. It should be defined as a reward to be consumed on special occasions like the achievement of a goal, a holiday, a family celebration, or when you're feeling down. Just make an effort to stay healthy.

The intent of this guideline is:
Do not become too reliant on desserts for satisfaction. Satisfaction should mostly be derived from the fulfillment of the basic instincts (status, mating, and territory) as described in principles. This is especially true for women. Desserts can act as a substitute for mating, thus reducing the need for a man. This contributes to the imbalance of power between the genders. Desserts are a relatively new invention that did not exist for our ancestors.

10. Intermittent fasting (guidline).

Our ancestors ate less frequently than people in modern times. Our bodies evolved to fast intermittently. Fasting helps to heal damage done by eating. [New State] encourages 15 hours or longer of fasting for most people. Use your own judgement.

11. Members of [New State] stay home when ill (rule).

Going to work, when contagious, puts all of society at risk. Remember the golden rule. There are, of course, jobs that do not put people at risk.

Businesses owned or managed by [New State] members must understand that health comes first and money second.

12. Pet breeding rules.

1. Breeds that deviate too greatly from the essence of a cat or do harm to the dignity (status value) of the species are forbidden.

2. Breeds that may limit or hinder the cat's ability to live a fully realized life are forbidden. For example, the major defining traits of a cat's life include: listening, smelling, seeing, exploring, jumping, climbing, escaping, stalking, pouncing, clawing, killing, carrying, eating, cleaning, kneading, sleeping, etc.

3. Breeds with serious health issues are forbidden.

Whether naturally occurring or created by humans, cat breeds must not venture too far from the essence of a cat. The breeders tickled amusement must not insult or bring harm to the species. This ruling also applies to dogs. Breeding is classified according to the principles of evolution by way of artificial selection.

13. English is the official language (rule).

500 years ago, the people of England reduced their birth rates. By having fewer children, they had more time and resources available. They used that extra time and resources to build ships and explore the world. They established colonies on other continents and created an empire. It’s been said, "The sun never sets on the British Empire.”.

In other words, strong self-control equals lower birth rates, more time and resources, new technologies and discoveries, and then world leadership. This is why the English language is the international language.

English will be the official language spoken by all members of the [New State] organization.

14. The future of LBGTQ traits within the [New State] system (rule).

The short answer:
1. All people have biological traits. Some traits are beneficial to society, and some are not. Many people suffer from some genetic or biological misfortune. For example, male pattern baldness.

2. LBGTQ are biological traits, not people. These traits are misfortunes most likely caused by a degraded dating gene pool: a scarcity of fully formed and distinct masculine and feminine mating choices, resulting in children being born with degenerate traits and misfortunate malfunctions.

Other causes may include a woman giving birth to too many boys; the last boy is more likely to be gay. Also, during times of war when women are under stress, they might produce a gay child.

3. Accommodations will be made within [New State] for people who possess LBGTQ traits.

4. All members of [New State] must accept the fact that no one is born perfect and that some traits must be fazed out of the gene pool or cures found for the greater good. It is unrealistic to assume it is the responsibility of every citizen of a society to adjust their lives to accommodate a potentially never-ending supply of additional new types of gender or biologic oddities, for which the societal costs of these oddities greatly outweigh the societal benefits.

5. LBGTQ traits are traits that make it difficult for the individual and society to function and therefore must be fazed out of the gene pool. This may take several generations or longer.

[New State] will simplify the mate market to help ensure all people are born marketable or useful to the opposite sex in addition to being useful to the needs of society. All people must be accommodated once born, but some traits must not be proliferated into future generations.

15. Circumcision (rule).

Based on my current understanding, circumcision—surgically removing skin from a boy's penis after birth—is body mutilation. I am not qualified to rule whether this practice should be continued or discontinued; there may be other options. [New State] will encourage the brightest minds and wisest citizens to make suggestions and vote on this subject. What follows is just my two cents:

This practice is mindless social following (religious tradition). The excuse given for this practice is to ensure good hygiene (stay clean) and reduce disease (STDs). In the modern world, these reasons are obsolete. These risks were reduced over 100 years ago with the invention of running water, soap, and education. These reasons might still be true in places like Sub-Saharan Africa, where STDs like Aids are common and access to soap, running water, and education is problematic.

Based on a little research, it's my understanding that circumcision removes 2/3 of the pleasure-producing cells on the penis, as well as changing the macroscopic mechanics of how the penis functions there by removing 2/3 of the pleasure and thus reducing the quality of life for men. There are additional health complications that can result from the removal of this skin as a man goes through life.

By the way, there is a fascinating story about the origins of circumcision for anyone who likes doing research. It's my understanding that the practice was started by a leader who pressured the church to comply with his circumcision beliefs, which caused the church to have to change some of its fundamental teachings of human origins so circumcision would make sense to the religious followers. In other words, the church leaders had to invent some new myths.

16. Spitting in public (rule).

In Switzerland, there is a $100 fine for spitting in public. It's inconsiderate behavior.

All members of [New State] should strive to avoid being unpleasant to others, maintain discretion, identify the underlying cause of their actions, and seek a treatment or cure. [New State] members should be healthier, higher-caliber citizens.
