Sunday, February 23, 2025


Last update: Apirl 20, 2016

1. Objective and Subjective

Objective thought is a genuine interest in the truth and what is in everyone's best interest. Objective thought is the foundation of all: truth, wisdom, scientific knowledge, and justice. The principle of objectivity is the most important principle; without it, the world will be ignorant and unjust.

Note: Science is not purely objective because scientists are people, and evolution proliferates the genes of the more subjective people more so than the genes of the more objective people.

One way science is subjective is when scientists avoid certain subject matters. For example, sometimes a scientist is not allowed to study a socially heated subject or come to a socially incorrect understanding without putting his or her reputation or career in jeopardy.

Whereas objective thought is the focus on the truth even when that truth does not benefit oneself. Subjective belief is when a person or group is focused on their own personal interests or preferences; for instance, egocentric people are subjective; religious beliefs and conspiracy theories are mostly subjective. To survive and prosper in the world today, it helps to be subjective.

Note: A person with a religious belief can still be objective so long as the particular subject matter in question is not a subject that would conflict with their religious beliefs. In other words, religion limits a person's objectivity.

Some examples:
   A subjective person will say, "Beauty is in the eye of the beholder."
   An objective person will say, "Let's learn the principles of beauty."

   Objective: honest.
   Subjective: is dishonest.

   Objective: is based on evidence.
   Subjective: is based on wishful thinking.

   Objective: is open to being wrong.
   Subjective: cannot admit being wrong.

   Objective: equals knowledge, and knowledge can be updated.
   Subjective: equals belief and belief is absolute.

   Objective: can withhold judgment longer.
   Subjective: is more prone to prejudice.

   Objective: leads to understanding and agreements.
   Subjective: leads to polarization and never-ending conflict.

   Stronger self-control makes a person a more objective person.
   Weaker self-control makes a person a more subjective person.

Most corruption in the world is caused by weak self-control and subjective beliefs. Currently, the imbalance of power in the mate market between men and women causes evolution to proliferate the genes of more subjective people. It is the goal of [New State] to reverse this.

2. Permanence

Permanence refers to those things that change our lives forever and cannot be undone—sometimes good, sometimes bad. For example, smoking, alcohol, marijuana, drugs, unintended pregnancy, a tattoo, getting hurt, or a subjective belief are all potentially permanent.

Good permanence could be learning something true about the world, about life, about yourself, or starting a family.

3. Evolution classifications

Natural Selection
Sexual Selection
Artificial Selection
Genetic Drift

4. Basic Instincts (status, mating, and territory)

The Basic Instincts are a collection of needs that make up the engine that drives human behavior.

I use the term [basic instincts]. Another name for this collection of needs is [bio-behavioral imperatives]. Call them what you want, but what you should never do is refer to them as just—wants. These are "biological needs" as important as breathing, eating, and sleeping.

Most human behavior is a quest to satisfy these three needs (status, mating, and territory). These needs are produced by the biology of the reptilian center of your brain (where instincts come from).

It's called reptilian because we inherited this biology from our reptile ancestors. Over the course of hundreds of millions of years, evolution layered brain matter over the surface of some reptiles brains to make mammals, and then again layered even more brain matter over the surface of some mammals brains to make the human brain.

So we have something in common with snakes, lizards, birds, and other creatures that have a reptilian center to their brains. This also includes dinosaurs. Dinosaurs, by the way, are not reptiles; they are a category of life forms sharing their own branch on the tree of life. Dinosaurs were derived from reptiles. So they too inherited the reptilian part of their brain from our reptilian ancestors, who walked the earth a hundred million years before the dinosaurs came into existence.

We carry the genes (instructions to make the biology) of our brain and body within us. The genes have about a billion instructions, but it only takes about 23,000 instructions to make a human. The rest of these genes are fragmented instructions left over from the various body parts of our animal ancestors, going back over a billion years to the first life forms to exist on earth.

Sometimes these fragmented instructions get turned on. For example, people have been born with more than two nipples, like dogs and cats.

What's important to understand is that humans are animals, and the biology of our animal brains produces human behavior. There is no human behavior that goes untouched by genes.

Name any behavior, and that behavior is most likely a direct or indirect quest to fulfill that person's need for [status, mating, or territory]. It's impossible to escape these needs.

Status: is self-esteem and the need to feel important, confident, powerful, and sometimes socially superior. Status is also referred to as dominance.

Status reveals itself in countless ways, from the clothes you choose to wear, the car you like to be seen in and the power the engine represents, the people you associate with, the career you choose, the area code you wish to live in, the sports team you follow, the beliefs you have about yourself and others, as well as the god you may worship. Virtually all gossip and other conversation is just a way to find fulfillment of [status, a mating partner, and territory]. A soap opera is a never-ending story on a roller coaster ride of status. Even my creating this website and writing this sentence gives me a feeling of status. If you feel insulted, your status needs have been compromised. No one wants to feel inferior.

Mate selection: is the fulfillment of sexual needs. This mainly applies to men, for women's sexual needs are mostly tide to their need to have their status elevated, rather than a purely physical (tactile) sexual experience.

The [mate selection] drive for both genders is a need, not a want. Just as food, water, and sleep are necessities, so too is this need, which can only be fulfilled—in its entirety—by the opposite sex.

Because women have the greater power of choice, they prefer a man with at least some ego. An ego is self-deception, and self-deception helps a person deceive their competition to get what they want. An ego is produced by a deficit of both self-control and attention to detail. Women find it easier to get what they want from men who have these deficits. Self-deception is subjective.

The average woman prefers a man who can be socialized (trained). That is a man who doesn't venture too far outside of socially correct beliefs. In contrast, a man who thinks independently, instead of following popular belief, is like a fish that swims outside of the school (group). That fish is in dangerous waters. Too dangerous for a woman to trust her eggs with.

A woman prefers a man whose genetic chemistry is opposite hers, to the degree of which she deviates from the center of the average person. For example, a woman who looks like she's from Southeast Asia might prefer a man who looks like he's from Northern Europe because their resulting offspring would be genetically closer in looks and behavior to the average person in the world's most popular social groups (that she might perceive from noticing people through the media), thus her kids are more likely to be "normal"—finding safety in numbers. Evolution directs women to fixate on popular.

Women also prefer a man who is tall because they grow faster and gain their intelligence sooner, giving them a socially competitive edge against their peers.

Because a women's mating needs are more status oriented than physically oriented and because modern age technology and equality permits women to achieve status independently from a man, women no longer need men as much as men need women.

The previous few paragraphs do not sum up the total of what women want; I am merely leading to these two facts:

1. Men and women are evolutionarily tied to one another.
2. Sexual benefits and gene proliferation are too often going to witty socially influential men, who may be good for a woman's immeadiate concerns, but most of these very men do not possess the objectivity, logic, and critical thinking brain type needed to lead the world in a thoughtful direction in the 21st century.

For men, [status] and [mating] are separate drivers. Mating is a physical act for men because evolution directs men to judge a woman's body and physical make-up for her reproductive fitness. If a woman is not reproductively fit—which is common these days because men have insufficient power of choice—she could need a c-section or die during childbirth. In addition, the offspring will turn out to be less healthy, attractive, and intelligent. Before modern medicine and the c-section, women dying during childbirth were not so rare. I know; I visited some of their graves in England in 1985. Some of the graves were hundreds of years old.

I have barely touched upon this subject.

Territory is your personal and sometimes shared space or property. We work most of our lives for money because it has the power to purchase the things we need, many of which we refer to as our property.

The universe is a vast territory. If we're alone (no aliens), then it's ours. If the Milky Way galaxy is safe and secure from any aliens, then we feel satisfied knowing it's our territory. We feel satisfied knowing Earth is a safe and secure place we call home territory. Your country [territory] belongs to you and your people, and not just anyone can cross its borders. Your town—to a greater degree—belongs to you and your fellow citizens and is not open to just anyone. Your car belongs to you. Your home and property are your space; no one can cross its borders without your permission. Your bedroom and personal belongings are not shared with anyone unless you say so. The 2 ft. perimeter surrounding your body is your personal space [territory]. Your body and your thoughts belong to you; they are your property.

Part of the reason communism in Russia failed is because the citizens don't get to own property in the same way as people in the west. It's a commune (people have to share). Sort of like a public bathroom.


Compromised Basic Instincts:
People get involved with smoking, drugs, excess food, alcohol, religion, and other beliefs as a way to inoculate themselves from the stresses caused by these aching unfulfilled needs for social status [dominance], a desirable mate [mate selection], and property [territory]. Depression is the lack of vitality (the movement toward and anticipation of) fulfilling the basic instincts.

It is my judgment that some of the recent mass killings plaguing the United States were caused not by mental illness but by mental starvation. If the [basic instincts] are not being fulfilled, some people will break and become mentally ill. Men are most at risk because their [mating instinct] is sometimes impossible to fulfill. When man is starved, his ability to resist temptation is weakened, and he is at risk of slipping into a belief system like religion or conspiracy beliefs. The ability to resist temptation is largely controlled by the front third of our brain and the gray matter surrounding the outer surface of our brain. I refer to this as the Basic Instinct Brake.

5. Basic Instinct Brake (the frontal lobes and gray matter)

It takes effort to resist our natural cravings and emotions. Children cannot resist as well as adults because a child’s brain is still under construction. The major components of a thought system like the human brain take about 25 years to build, and for decades after that, numerous updates, modifications, and renovations take place. I’m referring to learning.

The front third of our brain (the frontal lobes) and the thin layer of gray matter surrounding the outer surface of the rest of our brain act as a brake to help us control our cravings and reason out an awareness of ourselves and the world we find ourselves in. By cravings, I am not just referring to food. I am referring to all of our wants and needs as humans. The vast majority of our wants and needs fall into three categories, as mentioned above under Basic Instincts: status, mate selection, and territory.

Each person is born—no fault of their own—with varying sizes and strengths of frontal lobes and gray matter. It is this difference that is the greatest determining factor in how much self-control and conscious awareness a person or group of people are likely to have. That is, how evolved a person or group is likely to become; will they behave like teenagers or adults?

Weak self-control example one: when a person is intoxicated with alcohol, the alcohol weakens his or her frontal lobes. This causes the individual's behavior to revert to an intellectual level similar to that of a child or animal.

Example two: election researchers noticed that some demographics of citizens vote impulsively in the voting booth. The citizens with the weaker brains either overpunch or underpunch the card. They are less precise.

Example three: dogs.

Individuals or groups with stronger frontal lobes are more likely to have the following traits:

   1. More likely to be attractive, healthier, and intelligent.
   2. Conscientious, introverted, and independent thinking.
   3. Individuals or groups that have lower birth rates.
   4. Less capable at self-deception; resulting in being more trustworthy.
   5. Possessing a more thoughtful form of empathy.
   6. Better at planning and predicting the future.

Individuals or groups of people with weaker frontal lobes are more likely to have the following traits:

   1. Impulsive, reckless, easily distracted, little patence, highly emotional.
   2. Lower mating standards and higher birth rates.
   3. Extroverted, social following, and social dominance.
   4. More easily self-deceives for personal gain (arrogant).
   5. A more superficial form of empathy.
   6. Likable, but less trustworthy.

These are general truths. Every individual case may not be consistent with these truths because there are other factors and special circumstances at play, but more often than not, a stronger instinct brake (frontal lobes and surrounding gray matter) produces these general truths in a population.

In short, strong self-control is a good thing. In addition, it is my judgment that weak self-control in individuals and groups is the number one cause of most of the problems in the world today.

This has been just a short and to-the-point explanation. I did not discuss how education, social programming, health issues, and personal circumstances can affect self-control.

Currently, society encourages the proliferation of genes responsible for weak self-control. It is the goal of [New State] to reverse this.
