Sunday, February 23, 2025
Self-control lost and a never ending cycle
Published: Apr 20, 2015
Category: Dominance
By: Richard Grimes
There are a large number of people in the United States who believe humans are special. They believe humans are not animals because humans have free will and animals do not. The fact is, we are all animals. Humans just have more self-control than other animals. The fact that we are animals doesn't mean there is no afterlife. I will discuss that in a future essay.

The justice system in the United States is greatly influenced by the Christian belief that people have the free will to simply choose good over evil. In the photo above, the judge is heard saying, "I will not tolerate behavior like that in my courtroom." (He is referring to the outburst that took place just moments before, when the [accused killer] screamed at the judge, "I don't care what the bleep bleep you..."" before six security guards forced him out of the courtroom.). 

From the judge's position, the first thing I would notice is the biological make-up of the person accused of this crime. He is showing obvious signs of weak self-control (*1: He is heavily tattooed, he is suspected of belonging to a racist superiority group, and he is acting impulsively).

Weak self-control is not a choice. As far as anyone knows, we don't get to choose what we're born as. If the [accused] was born an animal instead of a human, he would have different behavior. If he were born female, she would behave differently. If he were not born at all, there would be no biology, thus no behavior at all. If the [accused] has kids, it doesn't take a brain scientist to predict that one or more of his kids will inherit his weak self-control, and the history of the future will likely repeat itself.

Evolution makes all of us want to feel more important, even a little superior (social status), because feeling superior helps the individual or the social group dominate and attain scarce resources (jobs, money, mates, territory). Excessive superior-self-belief is an ego. An ego is self-deception. Deception helps a person or group get what they want. The most effective deceivers are those who can deceive themselves. Thus, much of evolutionary behavior in people is the natural tendency to be self-centered and in a state of self-deception—disconnected from reality.

Self-control, on the other hand, is the brain's braking system that regulates emotions. This brake stops an individual from deceiving himself or herself long enough to become consciously self-aware. The frontal lobes of the brain are mostly responsible for self-control, but gray matter throughout the brain may be involved as well.

Instinct and emotion are produced closer to the center of the brain in white matter and then spread like a wave to the outer gray-matter section of the brain. Grey matter defuses the emotion by converting it into reason and awareness.

Evolution doesn’t allow too much reason and awareness, especially in modern times, because this interferes with dominance. Dominance turns women on because a dominant man can survive and prosper more effectively than an honest man, especially in modern times.

Understanding the relationship between self-deception and self-control is a key to understanding human nature. Self-deception is caused by weaknesses—or strengths, depending on how you look at it—in the aforementioned part of the brain. I say "depending on how you look at it," because weak self-control helps drive people to dominate, usually through some degree of moral cheating. If you are one of these people, you will most likely believe you reached success through legitimate means, because evolution will not have you believe otherwise. Remember... self-deception.

Yes, there are more variables that make up self-control than just what you are born with. Self-control is like a muscle with the capacity to carry a certain load, and it's always carrying whatever is stressing us out. For example, doctors performing surgery make fewer mistakes early in the day on Mondays and Tuesdays compared to later in the day and later in the week, when their brains become tired. Another example is that someone might have a health issue like allergies (sneezing and runny nose), which can be a load of stress to carry and will use up a percentage of their self-control capacity. Hunger, age, poverty, sleep deprivation, alcohol—the list goes on. 

The frontal lobes of our brain manage our emotional needs, produced by the [basic instincts] that make up the engine that drives our behavior. These [basic instincts] fall into three categories: status, mates, and territory. Status is also called dominance. All humans, as well as other animals, have these [basic instincts]. Anytime one of these [basic instincts] goes unsatisfied or is satisfied to the max, emotion is produced. Virtually all emotion is derived from basic instincts.

If you feel insulted, your status instinct has taken a hit, and along with it, some of your self-control capacity. If, however, you're already feeling satisfied—because you're engaged to marry a tall, handsome doctor—for the moment, your need for status has been reduced, making room for more self-control capacity allowing any insults to bounce off you like they just don't matter.

For women, their status and mating instincts are almost the same. For men, they are separate instincts. Mating is a physical act for men because evolution directs men to judge a woman’s body for her reproductive fitness to ensure they pick a real woman capable of giving birth to healthy children. A woman judges a man's physical make-up as well; however, it's more important that a man behave as a *2 social warrior (social deception for the purpose of securing social status and resources). That's why women need status more than men, and men need to mate more than women.

If your personal space is being violated, your [territorial instinct] is being taxed. This will cause your overall self-control capacity to be reduced. Territory also includes your personal property, your living space, your work space, the parking space for your car, and even the borders of your country. If any of these are violated, your self-control capacity will be taxed.

Dogs have little self-control, similar to career criminals. It is unreasonable to hold a dog accountable for his actions, locking him up until he learns his lesson. Without self-control, the brain has little-to-no awareness; thus, true learning and behavior change are less likely to be achieved.

The state of reproductive freedom
Reproductive freedom that exists in the current state (the United States and its constitution-backed freedoms) can cause the history of crime and punishment to repeat itself in a never-ending cycle.

In the [New State], reproduction will be a privilege, not a right. This does not necessarily mean some people are denied the opportunity to have a child. It just means every child's genes will be scanned before conception to replace defective genes with healthy genes and filter out weak self-control traits from the gene pool. This is quality control to ensure every person is healthy, attractive, and meets a higher standard of self-control.

*1 Tattoos don't equal weak self-control. However, studies suggest people with multiple tattoos or body piercings are more likely to engage in risky and criminal behavior. To judge people accurately, it is best to look at multiple traits a person possesses, not just one. If it looks like a duck, quacks like a duck, and waddles like a duck, maybe, just maybe, it's a duck.

*2 The personality that makes a social warrior is largely derived from weak self-control. Women in modern America are not just attracted to men with weak self-control; they are permitted the sexual and reproductive freedom to mate and proliferate the genes of these kinds of men, causing oppression, crime, war, and generally almost everything that robs society of a secure future.
