Sunday, February 23, 2025
IT'S TIME FOR REVOLUTION: I was tricked today
Published: Apr 30, 2015
Category: Deception
By: Richard Grimes
Today I was tricked. I received an advertisement in the mail from a Nissan dealer with a scratch-off contest. I scratched it off, and it said I won a car or $25,000. Because I have been out of work for over a year while burning through my savings to pay for my living expenses, $25,000 was just what I needed.

I survived on $15,000 a year for 20 years as a valet, greeting guests and parking cars at a four-star restaurant. In addition, for three of those 20 years, I also worked a full-time job. I took the money from that full-time job, bought my first new car, and put the rest in the stock market. That was 10 years ago. Now I'm living off those savings.

I, of course, knew it was unlikely that I would actually win a new Nissan car or the equivalent of $25,000. But everything said I won. I even called to confirm the number on the mailing I received, and the woman on the phone said I won. It was Saturday afternoon, and tomorrow I was scheduled to visit my mom. I wanted to give her good news. For a year and two months now, she has been affected by the fact that I am burning through my savings. I thought I had better move on this because I cannot afford to blow a possible opportunity to replenish what I lost.

Traffic is lighter on Saturday, making it less risky for me to make the 20-minute drive. Being in poverty with no health insurance forces me to consider the risk of a simple car drive. Along the way, I find the freeway wet with drizzle as I pass by two accidents.

To make a long story short, the Nissan salesperson showed me the words that say I won; it doesn't actually say that I won, as the picture shows—I won. The sentence was carefully constructed with the intent to deceive. I'm guessing the law is based on words, not pictures, and doesn't always care about intent. I'm more visual than linguistic, so I notice the picture that shows I won a car. The salesperson then proceeds to sell me a new car. It turns out I won a scratch-off lottery ticket that scratched off to nothing. This was the first time I played the lottery.

They did a good job being polite and respectful, but as I look back, there were non-verbal clues leaking out of the people working there, saying, "Were sorry, we can't help knowing you're a sucker." It's important to note that the workers at Nissan most likely had nothing to do with this contest scam. It's the leaders who develop and maintain the core values at Nissan who are responsible.

Being a valet taught me the importance of reading people. I don't claim to be an expert at reading people, but I do know what it's like to feel like you've been on pins and needles for 20 hours a week for 20 years, trying to avoid upsetting anyone. Most of my guests at that restaurant I worked at were good, but it's not hard for a person in a more powerful position to use someone in a less powerful position as a scapegoat or for some personal gain. In this case, Nissan is using thousands of people for their own gain.

I have never had an interest in cars, but when I was a valet, I parked almost every brand of car under the moon. Of the affordable cars, I never considered Nissan to be a fantastic car. In light of recent events, the fact that a Nissan dealership has to resort to this kind of deception to get people to come in says two things about their brand:

1. Nissan cannot be trusted.
2. Nissan still possesses the spirit of a 20th-century mindset.

The disadvantages of capitalism and democracy in modern times
Capitalism and the democratic election process, as they are, reward the deceivers and punish the honest. The honest are at a disadvantage, and the honest-poor are at a double disadvantage. This is partly why the United States is not a true country. It's a borderless, international zone dominated by a culture of greed and impunity.

The root cause of this is total reproductive freedom in an age of overpopulation and dwindling resources, ruled by an ideology that was designed before the industrial revolution over two hundred years ago.

What exactly does reproductive freedom have to do with the world of deception we live in today? Everything! Deception is a key—sexually selected—human nature trait. When the human population exceeds needed resources, the deception and self-deception traits within a population proliferate to a more intense degree, creating people who are more selfish, irrational, and even insane. That is, people with weak self-control.

Women are more attracted to men who persuade and deceive than to men who are honest and realistic. In other words, women breed men to be social warriors. The more honest and realistic-thinking men usually don't end up in the most powerful positions, like leader of a group, owner of a business, or head-of-state of a country.

Evolution gives women these desires. Evolution creates this arrangement by creating more men than women—need. Thus forcing men to compete with each other for the scarcer reproductive resource—women. In this kind of environment, the honest men (aware men with a conscious) mate last or not at all. The genes being proliferated are almost always those of the persuader-deceiver type.

The great American experiment helped change the world for the better. However, it's been over 200 years now, and the world is not the same as it was when American ideology was developed. I propose a new [great American experiment].

A [New State] is forming, beginning as an organization that will be a working social experiment. Think about it like the Mormon religion, but replace [subjective] religious belief with [objective] scientific knowledge.

Members will continue to compete for the niceties of life, but not the necessities of life. In other words, everything except housing, healthcare, and romantic partners will continue to be based on competition and profit, as it is today in the capitalist free-market system. Housing and healthcare as a [New State] member will not be free, but they will be non-profit.

Also, the gender of the [New State] children being born will be determined in part by the current and future needs of society. Competition for both male and female mates will be relaxed by improving the gene pool of people to make us more attractive (healthy) each generation and adjusting the gender ratio to favor more girls being born than boys. This will end the needless and excessive competition between boys that too often results in producing too many of the traits that range from: persuasion, mild dishonesty, the nasty side of social dominance—to narcissism, bullying, and sometimes sociopathy, psychopathy, extreme religious beliefs, and insanity.
