Sunday, February 23, 2025
What women should know about this type of man
Published: Jun 12, 2015
Category: Mate Selection
By: Richard Grimes
A study, as explained in the news article at the very bottom of this page, suggests men over 5' 10" are twice as likely to cheat.

Both men and women are born with an evolutionary mate selection profile. Evolution's top priority is to help us produce offspring that are more likely to survive.

The average height for a man is 5' 9".
The average height for a woman is 5' 4".
The average woman's profile of a man. Note: There exists a cliff between 5 ft. 9 in. and 5 ft. 10 in.

Height is a big deal for women, and here's why: In a capitalist country or any environment that is competitive for resources, being early gives you a big advantage. If you win big early in the game, the rest of the game is easier to dominate.

Tall people are more likely to dominate because they mature faster. They have had higher intelligence than their peers during the growing years. They are not more intelligent than average or shorter people overall. Tall people just gain their intelligence sooner. This gives them an edge in competing for grades in school.

Better in school means better in college. Better in college means they're more likely to end up in professions that are academically dependent and have high earning potential, like lawyer, corporate executive, or, if they're really tall, professional basketball player. Tall people struggle less with grades. This means less time studying and more time playing, or playing around.

Women value height so much that they would rather share a tall man with other women than have an average or short man all to themselves. This makes it easy for tall men to cheat or be accused of cheating.

But of course, just because he's tall doesn't mean he is the type that will cheat; height is just one factor. Another study might suggest (this is just hypothetical) that "men who smile a lot are more likely to cheat.".

Many women appear to use the 666 profile guideline:
1. He is six inches taller than herself.
2. He is six years older.
3. He makes six figures (at least $100,000 a year).

All of this suggests: despite over 40 years of women advancing in the work force and securing equal pay for equal work, women still expect men to be the main providers. This is not true gender equality; this is an imbalance of power that puts tremendous pressure on men, which can manifest itself in harmful acts in society.

[New State] will solve this condition by reducing the number of boys born and increasing the number of girls born. This will help ensure all men get a suitable woman, not just the taller men. The male-female ratio will be in constant adjustment depending on the needs of society.

[New State] will also encourage boys to grow taller than girls and girls not to grow too awkwardly tall. Perhaps this can be achieved through diet and exercise alone. The goal is to work with evolution where possible and to maximize and optimize the fulfillment of the needs of both genders.

