Sunday, February 23, 2025
The future of LGBT traits within the [New State] system
Published: Jul 25, 2015
Category: Values
By: Richard Grimes
The short answer:
1. LGBT are biological traits, not people.
2. Accommodations will be made within [New State] for people who possess LGBT traits.
3. All people have biological traits. Some traits are beneficial to society, and some are not.
4. All members of [New State] must accept the fact and the moral that no one is born perfect and that some traits must be fazed out of the gene pool or cures found for the greater good.
5. LGBT traits, just like some other biological traits that make it difficult for society to function, must be fazed out of the gene pool and a cure found. This may take several generations or longer.


LGBT people are people first, and LGBT people second. That is, LGBT are a few of the many biological traits that make up a whole person. That goes for all people. All people are made up of a collection of biological traits. See Plan

LGBT people are welcome in [New State]. LGBT people will be granted the same or similar rights as heterosexuals as of this writing.

No one is perfect; all people suffer from some genetic or biological misfortune; otherwise, each and every person on earth would be a happy god-like entity that lives forever, and society would be in harmony. No matter what odd trait a person possesses, it's not the individual's fault he, she, or it was born this way, whether it's a gay trait or something entirely different. As far as anyone knows, no one was asked "if they wanted to be born," much less "what they wanted to be born as."

Every citizen, myself included, who may possess traits that result in more harm, difficulty, or lack of benefit to society, has a societal responsibility to cooperate in the mission to [faze out] of the gene pool such ill traits. Note: It's the traits, not the people who possess them, that must be fazed out of the gene pool. If the traits are caused by some other means, for example, the environment within the pregnant woman's womb, then when a cure is found, the cure must be implemented.

The standards that LGBT traits sometimes don't meet are health and marketability.

Health is not always specific to LGBT people. It sometimes means the health costs the mom, family, or society must pay for the LGBT traits to exist.

From an evolutionary perspective, LGBT traits are unsuccessful at producing offspring, not because of environmental circumstances like oppression or scarcity but because of the incorrect orientation of neurocircuitry caused by some combination of genes and pregnancy circumstances.

For example, a pregnancy circumstance that often results in a boy turning out to be gay is if the boy has numerous older brothers. The mom's manufacturing environment, which makes up her womb, is depleted or altered by having too many boys. Thus, scientists theorize that evolution tries to save mom's health and future reproductive capability by preventing the baby from becoming a complete boy. [This knowledge is subject to change as scientists learn more.]

Some LGBT traits are an added cost and complication to the health care system. For example, a transgender person will likely want to change the gender of his or her body to fit his or her brain.

The LGBT traits are not just any minor traits; they are major traits that awkwardly complicate the flow of needs fulfillment [status, mate-selection, and territory] for not just the LGBT individuals but also the rest of society. See Principles

For example, there are additional complications for both LGBT and non-LGBT people when socializing together for purposes of status or mate-selection. This causes many LGBT people to hide their LGBT traits. Also, because the LGBT population is a minority, there is a limited selection of mates available for them.

There are territorial complications. For example, where does a transgender or transsexual person use the public restroom?

This is not a complete list of reasons.


It is unrealistic to assume it is the responsibility of every citizen of a society to adjust their lives to accommodate a potentially never-ending supply of additional new types of genetic or biologic oddities, for which the societal costs of these oddities greatly outweigh the societal benefits. See TED Talk

The woman giving this TED talk believes everyone has a responsibility to accurately guess her gender. This is unreasonable and creates a needless hardship for society.

[New State] will simplify the mate market to help ensure all people are born marketable to the opposite sex in addition to being marketable to the needs of society. All people must be accommodated once born, but some traits must not be proliferated into future generations.

It is the goal of [New State] to ensure all citizens are born healthy, intelligent, desirable, and marketable.

This ruling is subject to change based on new scientific discoveries.
See Objective Principle
