Sunday, February 23, 2025
Total Reproductive Freedom Equals: Jacked-up Society
Published: Feb 26, 2016
Category: Independence
By: Richard Grimes
In a small town in the 1970s and early 1980s, I went on service calls with my dad, an appliance service technician and small business owner. Around 1982, we visited a welfare home to deliver a new refrigerator. Back then, we called them welfare homes. Today, they go by different names, like public housing, Section 8, etc. It was a tiny house owned by the state and provided to people who were less fit to be employed or who could not earn enough money to keep up with housing costs in a supply-and-demand free-market economic system.

As we were let into the front door by one of the two people who lived there, I realized a young couple occupied this home: a black man and a white woman with blond hair. They were both friendly and talkative, like they were trying to be nice to us. It turns out they were trying to be nice because they didn't want my dad to mention to the state agency that the resident—the man—beat the refrigerator with something like a tire iron because it had stopped working. It wasn't my dad’s place to accuse them of wrongdoing, and besides, his goal was simply to replace the refrigerator. The couple claimed they didn't know how the refrigerator got its 20 or so holes, but their body language said otherwise.

It was clear to me that the boyfriend had weak self-control and that both of them were of slightly below average intelligence. This wasn’t due to ignorance as much as it was due to genetics or biology.

Of course there are other factors that effect self-control; I won’t go into that, other than to say: just — being poor — is a force that can effect ones self-control and intelligence.

I could see the girlfriend sitting on the couch in front of the window; she was pregnant. Because women have less of a sexual need than men, they have the greater power of mate-selection choice. That is to say, women get to be more particular about a man's genetic differences when they make their selection. The average man, on the other hand, is so sex-starved that he won't hesitate to mate with almost any woman who chooses him.

Note: The genetic and biological mechanics of gene proliferation and influence are still being discovered by scientists. Also, because [New State] is an objectively based organization, this understanding is subject to change. Compare that to a religious organization, or, for that matter, the way that too much of Washington, D.C., is run.

Therefore, the types of men that women choose to mate with largely determine the character of society—for better or worse. In a free country, women are allowed to solely make that choice, and in modern times, this can have devastating consequences for society and the world.

In the case of this welfare woman, when she gives birth, she will be contributing to society's scarcity rather than wealth, because it is much more likely her child will cost society more in resource depletion, disorder, and world pollution than any benefit this child could potentially bring to the world. It's not an absolute certainty, but it's more likely than if the couple had strong self-control and were highly intelligent.

Note: We all must understand that being poor or dependent on state services like housing doesn’t mean a person has below-average intelligence or is just lazy. There are a variety of roadblocks that can prevent an individual from realizing financial success.

The United States is not a true country; it's a borderless international zone, dominated by a culture of greed and impunity.
Capitalism, by its very nature, divides a population into rich and poor! Actually, that's not true; it's Evolution that's running the show.

The 1986 movie "Ferris Bueller's Day Off"  teaches that in America, the rewards go to those citizens who can lie, cheat, and steal. The movie seems innocent and comical. This movie, however, reveals a truth about evolution's sneaky side: if 'deception' can be proliferated, proliferate it.

Ferris (which fittingly sounds like a carnival ferris wheel) is a young extrovert with soft, dark eyes and a non-threatening look. This gives him a genetic advantage in a competition-based free-market society: he can get away with cheating by being perceived as likable. He also has a little bit of weak self-control (he cannot resist the temptation to satisfy his wants, no matter the consequences).

These traits make him a social warrior. They also make him very desirable to women. Women don’t always consciously know why: it's because a man who cheats and dominates can help her achieve status more effectively than an honest man.

The word that is fraudulently used to describe people who lie, cheat, and steal is confident. Bad boys have confidence. Evolution directs women to mate with confidence. But this is really: corruption, not confidence; and when there are no serious consequences, corruption breeds and multiplies. The honest people find themselves struggling on the [have-not] side of the [haves] and [have-nots] dividing line, working long hours—sometimes in perpetual wage slavery—to support the nicer lifestyles of the [haves]. Why is that? Because the social warriors arrogantly position themselves into power, they rewrite the rules to favor mostly themselves. This is subjective as opposed to objective. See: Objective and Subjective

Look no further than the kinds of men that women are freely choosing to be their mate, for it largely reveals evolution's strategy. In a country that has total reproductive freedom, evolution is free to run-a-muck. And worst of all, just like Ferris Bueller, the men who cheat: get the girl.

Note: Of course, not everyone in powerful positions got there by cheating.

Why socialism is not the answer
Socialist countries lose some of their most valued human resources. Two high achievers, one from South Africa and the other from Austria, plus two healthy females, both from Cuba.

Note: Of course, there are also high-achieving females as well as male models who are valued human resources and have moved away from their original countries.

Basic income to the rescue
Now there is talk in East Germany and Finland about giving every citizen an unconditional $800 per month—no test required; you don't even have to work.

This would benefit the honest poor who are struggling in a system that rewards the dishonest. It would help to liberate and equalize society.

A basic income might be beneficial during a serious recession, but the irresponsible poor (those with weak self-control) would waste the money on non-necessities. Also, greedy employers would be tempted to reduce the wages of their employees, conveniently believing employees don't need to be paid anymore; after all, they're already being paid.

'Temporary Basic Income' may have helped during the great recession of 2008–2014. Instead, maybe the U.S. government should have seized the wealth of the key players and benefactors in the banking and mortgage subprime lending fiasco, divided it up, and given it back to those who were cheated.

The New State Plan

"We compete for 'wants', not 'needs'!"
[New State] will reduce competition for the necessities of life [housing, mates, and healthcare]—encouraging more civil relationships between citizens and more stable families.

How will [New State] solve some of socialism's shortcomings?
The [New State] organization works inside a 'capitalist free market economic system.' It will be a series of specially zoned, privately owned neighborhoods, townships, or, to start off with, just apartment complexes dotted throughout the country. See: Plan for more details

Modern technology and equality have rendered the male gender less valuable, thus offsetting the balance of power between the sexes. It is my judgment that the interplaying conflict between men over the scarcity of suitable women and the resulting outcome of the kinds of men that women choose as mates produce a population with less than ideal physical health and intellects less capable of reason, and that this is the main cause of most of society's ills.
