Sunday, February 23, 2025
The Monotheistic Confidence Invention Time has Past
Published: Mar 23, 2024
Category: Dominance
By: Richard Grimes
I'm sure I am not alone in noticing one of the greatest ongoing downers on the evening news for the last half century: what's going on in the Middle East, especially with regard to Israel and its Arab neighbors. It's a classic battle for dominance story that started a few thousand years ago; each side claiming their imaginary leaders (which years later would evolve into the monotheistic god concept) is the one true supreme ruler. Today, both Arabs and Jews each use their version of the God invention to justify their claim of ownership over territory, which is a scarce natural resource in this barren part of the world, and it’s likely they’ve been playing this same game in some form for 5000 years or more. In other words, deception is evolution’s weapon of choice to compete for survival. Animals use deception like camouflage, plus claws and teeth; humans use self-deception and social programming (brain washing) to get their way.

It's my understanding that thousands of years ago, the alpha male that would later become symbolized as an abstract concept called God got its start as a tangible statue named Yahweh, which was stored in a house-like structure possibly similar to the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC. Yahweh was not the beginning of the God concept; Yahweh was just a consolidation of other gods and goddesses into one supreme ruler symbol named Yahweh. The previous gods and goddesses were probably derived from real leaders. Yahweh was a social control tool invented around the year 3500 BCE.

Large interior statue of a seated Abraham Lincoln.

The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, appears to be a psychological tool used to persuade the masses to follow a certain set of beliefs. The Jews, 5000 years ago, may have been the original inventors of this concept. Maybe the Jews used it to persuade the Arabs into believing the Jews are superior and this region belongs to them.

Both the Jews and Arabs use a social tool called religion (first invented by the Jews) as a self-deception device—to inspire their confidence and organize themselves into a powerful group; then they use this confidence to justify the taking of land from their rivals or totally destroy the opposing group. In the past, Christians have used the same self-deception trick to take the territory of indigenous people in the Americas (Manifest Destiny) and enslave blacks from Africa.

Note: I'm no history scholar or Israel and Palestine expert. I just offer a perspective from the point of view of our evolutionary needs. In these cases, evolution is expressing the instinctual need for dominance and territory. See Principles: Basic Instincts

Why is the Arab World so Brutal?
This is a self-control issue. I suspect that over the course of thousands of years in the barren landscape of the Middle East desert, a population too large for the available resources resulted in more people living under extreme conditions. This pressure on the population may result in a higher than normal percentage of the population developing like a Klingon—a more hot-headed, aggressive temperament—or behaving like a teenager. These are biological weaknesses in the front part of the brain, resulting in weaker self-control and often a little lower IQ. Anywhere these conditions exist might yield a similar outcome, and it doesn't have to be a barren desert. I see it happening right here in the US. I observe this temperament in people I know very well who were born into big families under poor conditions.

When the cost of living is high and resources like farmable or useful land, clean water, and housing are scarce, the stakes are raised. When the stakes are raised, the gentleman’s contract mindset gets replaced with every man for himself, leading to a few aggressive men monopolizing most of the resources, including the women, in some form of harem arrangement. When women mate with these hotheads, the Klingon population grows.

Another important factor to consider when evaluating self-control and IQ is poverty itself. Just coping with being poor and overwhelmed with challenges, as many Arabs are, can stifle an individual's intellectual growth despite being born with no biological IQ shortcomings.

I have discussed two possible causes of this hot-headed (aggressive) personality trait:

1. In regions where the population is too large for the available resources, evolution is pressured in the direction of a genetic or biologically weak self-control plan, resulting in a hot-headed personality type because aggression aids in an individual's survival more effectively than an honest temperament.

2. Just the daily experience of living in poverty can have the effect of overwhelming an individual's mental tolerance to cope, thus thinning out their self-control.

Later in this essay, I will discuss a third cause of aggression.

Why did the Jews leave their homeland?
About two thousand years ago, the Roman Empire grew to encapsulate the Jewish territories, casting a shadow on Jewish religious centers and making the Jews feel small; [dominance] is at stake. The Jews rebelled against the Romans and won at first, shocking the Romans. What followed was a series of wars over many decades that ultimately devastated the Jews and drove them out of their homeland and to new places like Europe. The Romans renamed the Jewish homeland, Syria, Palaestina.

Steve Jobs' was not Jewish, but he is an example of what mixing genes can produce—sometimes good and sometimes bad. Steve Jobs' biological father was from the Middle Eastern country of Syria, and his mom was from Switzerland. Maybe Steve inherited a little hot-headed (aggressive quest) for dominance from his dad and his inventive precision from his mom.

The Jews make a Comeback
The Jews appear to be more intelligent than their Arab neighbors, not just the Palestinians. By more intelligent, I am referring more to the self-control and creativity aspects of intelligence. In other words, the Jews are less hot-headed today than they might have been 2000+ years ago. Their self-control may have been upgraded as a result of spending 2000 years mixing genes with the Europeans; just look at them; they don’t look like Arabs anymore! Plus, the Jews gave up their harems now that they’re in Europe and adopted new ways of thinking.

By the time the 20th century arrived, the Jews had started trickling back to their homeland in what is today Palestine; these Jews are called Zionists. Later, the Jews had worn out their welcome in Europe and were used as scapegoats for problems there. Leading up to WWII, the Jews were driven out of Europe—nearly exterminated in the process—and back to their homeland. 2000 years of survival madness living as a subset of society in a new geographical region may have pressured their IQ northward and strengthened their self-control to eclipse that of their Arab cousins. Where once they were driven out, now the Jews dominate! If it's not their biological IQ that is responsible for their success, then maybe it's simply motivation to prove they're chosen people by God: ‘We the Jews are special’ [dominance]. Either way, it's biology producing behavior.

Jews do what they've always done; they turn to their God as justification for claiming territory as their own. In other words, evolution is calling the shots by making the Jews deceive themselves in order to save themselves from extinction by boosting their ability to compete for useful land, which is in scarce supply. Of course, the Jews have a legitimate claim to at least some portion of this territory! After all, they have been living there for thousands of years—since the beginning—and everyone needs a headquarters.

Yemen 2024: just after US and British war planes destroy some of Yemen’s ability to attack and hijack commercial ships participating in free market economics as they pass by the country of Yemen.

Many Jew-hating Arabs use their God belief as a psychological tool of dominance to cope with the humiliation and envy impressed upon them by the tool of dominance used by the US and other western powers: their military awesomeness.

The Jewish Missing Ingredient
A Palestinian kid throws a rock over the border, and Israel fires back with a load of bombs and missiles. Maybe Israel has an unspoken strike back deterrent policy: 10 Palestinians killed for every 1 Jew killed.

Jews, by their very success, no doubt make Arabs and Palestinians feel small. When Palestinian leaders foolishly pick fights with the Jews, the Jews win and take some of the Palestinian territory. This is where the Jews reveal their intelligence may be high, but they're short on wisdom. Taking the territory of the enemy that attacked you might feel like justified punishment (the Jews love their Ten Commandments), but this move is likely feeding at least one of three root causes of the problem: [dominance], [mate-selection], and [territory].

Evolution endowed all humans and other animals with three basic instincts or needs: [dominance], [mate-selection], and [territory]. The Jews are dominating and taking territory. That's two out of three basic instincts the Jews are compromising with their Arab cousins. Over time, unfulfilled basic instincts can equal psychological trauma.

Think of our three basic instincts as if they filled the inside of a balloon. If one of the three areas of the balloon is squeezed, let's say the territory part of the balloon, it’s likely—to some degree—that the other two instincts, [dominance] and [mate-selection], will be called upon to make up the difference.

So: squeezing [dominance] might result in expanding that individuals need for [territory] and [mate-selection]. For example, if a person feels dominated, that person will likely show more of a territorial need, like wanting to go home or put up a wall to distance himself or herself, and possibly seek the support of their romantic partner [mate-selection] to defuse stress. Confiscate a person's property [territory], and that person will get angry and search for a plan to get even [dominance]. For women, sex is sometimes used to get revenge to make up for being humiliated. Revenge is an expression of dominance; humiliation is a bruised dominance instinct. If a person is sex-starved, he or she is more likely to strive for fame or fortune (dominance and territory)! Fame is social status [dominance], and fortune is [territory], because money can buy things that become your property. Sex starvation can also drive a man to seek dominance in negative ways, like sucker punching women or mass shootings.

During WWI, military leaders used propaganda of alluring female imagery and voices directed at soldiers via lectures and films, as well as the repeated use of attractive female canteen workers to sexually arouse, then sexually deny, and frustrate soldiers to make them risk their lives and fight harder [dominance].

Of course, the joy of food can be a stress buffer, but I hope you get the point! We all need to feel good about ourselves [dominance], have a headquarters we call home with our own personal space, and have ownership over resources—from personal belongings to a clean water supply and a border to protect what we consider our territory. And life would be incredibly unsatisfying without sex and incredibly painful when sex is waved in front of our eyes and then we are denied [mate-selection].

In a typical American prison, all three basic instincts are compromised: an inmate cannot express social status [dominance] nearly as freely, the inmate's [territory] is just a cell he might have to share with another inmate, and there is no legit sex [mate-selection]. We all know what a successful social experiment the American prison system has turned out to be!

Noticeably, the Jewish religion as well as other religions can be used as an intelligent but unwise (tunnel vision) psychological tool to protect their self-interests, all the while preventing awareness of the causes of our biological needs: [dominance], [mate-selection], and [territory].

The more Advanced Society of the Bonobos
Common Chimpanzees in Africa live in groups and wage violent war against each other. They battle to the death for dominance, mate-selection, and territory.

Another similar-looking primate called the Bonobos lives just far enough away—across a river—that the two groups don't mix. The Bonobos, however, live in peace; there is no fighting, much less war and death. The females keep the peace by offering free sex! End of story.

Photo Author Pierre Fidenci, Source (Chimpanzee).
Photo Author Caelio (Bonobos).

The Bonobos have already discovered the secret to peace: free sex.

Where Extremes Collide
At this point, fixing Middle Eastern relations is going to be more involved than just inviting Arabs over for a potluck and a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide who’s territory this is now.

Part of the rift between the Muslim religion and western culture, including the Christian and Jewish religions, might be the difference in how men and women connect in their societies. I suggest there is a two-fold problem here:

1. Freedom of exploratory and creative endeavors.
2. Freedom for women to advertise their sexuality.

Historically, in much of the Arab world, life has been boring. Where there are high birth rates, there is greater poverty, resulting in less free time and fewer creative or unique avenues to express dominance outside of their religion, like the hobbies and interests found in the West (restaurants, sports, interior decorating, car shows, fashion, becoming a musician, and so on). All of these endeavors require the ownership of personal belongings, property, or access to infrastructure. In other words, in poor countries, the basic instinct of dominance is compromised by limited territory, which itself is compromised by high birth rates. High birth rates also usually indicate that the people being born are of low quality: less attractive, intelligent, and healthy. This too compromises dominance and fulfillment.

Creative endeavors are also restricted by religion. An Islamic man has limited means to advertise his dominance to impress women or people in general, mainly through Muslim channels, using his god (Allah) as a surrogate to feel dominant. Islamic women are also limited by their religion in how they can advertise their sexuality; historically, it's been forbidden and still is in most countries, but today a few countries have an unofficial “don’t ask, don’t tell” policy. How do the forbidden countries work?

Women cover their bodies at all times; both genders are separated in school and work; and Muslim marriages are arranged. This is a major disadvantage and obstacle preventing Muslim men from judging the health and sex appeal of Muslim women, causing women over time to evolve into less healthy and less desirable mating resources—that is, unless Arab men start evolving x-ray vision. In the west, there is constant pressure to look good and be successful; men and women run into each other at 24 Hour Fitness!

On the flip side, because Muslim women are not allowed to pursue independence like western women, Muslim men always have some bargaining power to trade for a woman or a number of women for that matter (up to four), such as a harem if he can afford them. This mate-selection arrangement appears to have a dimming effect on the two genders competing for one another: both genders are limited in their freedom to explore and create, plus express their style, advertising their health, ambition, and attractiveness. It stands to reason that reducing competition would also have a dimming effect on their IQ as well.

You might conclude that this arranged marriage social dynamic reduces the battles for dominance both genders face when pursuing a mate. That’s probably true; however, I suggest that the need for dominance in Arab culture is disproportionately inflated because of limited channels of expression and also because the [mate-selection] instinct is less than satisfactory for both genders; thus, [dominance] is called upon to make up the satisfaction emptiness, just as chocolate does for some people in the West.

Because of both a compromised [territory] as mentioned above and Islamic restrictions on [mate-selection], the basic instinct balloon is being squeezed in both the areas of [territory] and [mate-selection], resulting in the manifestation of a greater need for [dominance]. These limitations might result in Muslims using their god (Allah) as a surrogate to feel dominant and make up the difference for living in a home country with limited infrastructure (homes and personal belongings [territory]) and a less-than-satisfactory sexual life [mate-selection]. In other words, two of the lesser fulfilled basic instincts—[territory] and [mate-selection]—are being transmuted into [dominance], making some Arabs more needy of self-esteem and understandably sensitive to insults. So if someone insults their god, Muslims take it personally because they have more self-esteem [dominance] to protect, and its expression and fulfillment are mostly tied to their religion.

In contrast to the Muslim world, religion in the West is less restrictive and not mandatory, allowing men to participate in ever new creative and intellectual endeavors to add to the ways they can advertise their dominance (music, fashion, cars, career choice, bull riding), just to name a few categories. God acts as a dominance surrogate only for Christian fundamentalists. In the West, there is greater freedom to be inquisitive, explore, and invent—all IQ-growing activities. Women in the West are free to flash their bodies in ever more creative ways to express their style and sexual power [dominance].

However, whereas in the Muslim world most of the gender power goes to men, albeit with crippled opportunities, in the modern West the gender power resides with women. In the past, mostly before 1970, a woman relied upon a man who owned a car to take her out so she could be noticed and feel desirable, while her man's occupational success and providing power helped fulfill her need for [dominance] and [territory].

Today, because of feminism and the invention of the internet, a woman can reach just about any man with her advertisements without leaving home, thus eroding the bargaining power of current generations of young men. Why date one man when she can make thousands lust after her on social media and make incredible money in the process? This advertising medium women have is something completely new to humanity. No wonder there are so many men out there who can’t get a woman; women are now free to use men to fulfill their need for [dominance] and [territory] without giving men anything tangible in return.

In summary, the restrictions Islam places on their sexual marketplace may have huge ramifications on both the intellectual growth and physical health of the Arab population over time; their IQ is capped by a religious governor, and the health of their physical attributes is masked behind a veil.

A similar health and IQ concern exists regarding western women choosing to make fathers of men for reasons other than their masculine physique or mind, namely gold digging. Some men have male pattern baldness or are too old or unhealthy to pass on desirable genes. Also, some Christians brainwash boys to believe it’s a little shameful to judge and be selective of women based on their appearance and sexy bodies: “You just want a play thing!” they say. They claim moral superiority [dominance] for being sympathetic to unattractive women by choosing them as romantic partners instead of “play things.”.

If boys have no legit sexual outlet, they’re left with a psychologically unfulfilled need. Evolution took no chances with [mate-selection]: hard-wiring it into the male brain as a biological need like eating, sleeping, or going to the bathroom. This isn’t a hobby men can just choose to ignore without it manifesting into any number of unhealthy behaviors. The Christians are doing the same thing as the Muslims: transmuting men’s [mate-selection] unfulfillments into [dominance], thus inflating their need for [dominance]. Over time, this has a dumbing-down effect: the front third of the brain used for self-control as well as the executive functions in the very front of the brain used for judging beauty and order are weakened without these extra layers of functionality, resulting in simple-minded dominance. The smarter men refuse to be suckered into an undesirable marriage and kids trap, leaving the genes of the men who are incapable of seeing reality for what it is—to be proliferated.

When men and women are discouraged from judging healthy masculine and feminine characteristics: sizes, proportions, shapes, symmetry, features, textures, colors, sounds, postures, hormones, etc., the outcome might be a yo-yo effect causing children to be born destined to either grow featureless stick figure bodies (having underdeveloped or little discernible male or female body characteristics) or awkward proportions and out of balance chemistries, including possibly the birth of higher percentages of LGBTIQAXYZ+ people and the occurrence of a poltergeist or two.

Over the last 50 years, as western society has evolved more androgynous, people have been forced to ask the risky question, “Is Pat an Ant Eater or an Aardvark, or something new I haven’t heard of yet?” “Will I have to learn another new pronoun?” Some of these non-binary people end up identifying as bisexual or queer simply because when they look in the mirror, instead of seeing something sexy-obvious looking back at them, they see a tragedy, so they’re confused and would be embarrassed to compete in a healthy sexual market. So the individual will turn to [dominance], [territory], or food to fill the void and might become more sensitive to insults.

This even has international ramifications; for example, Russia’s Putin might have invaded Ukraine partly to protect Russia from what he has expressed in the past as a load of problems, referring to the creeping multicultural madness and assortments of gay-mutants spreading throughout the US and other free countries. “Who cares what Putin thinks?” you might say. Tell that to the person waving the gay pride flag out the window of the US embassy in Moscow a few years ago! Is the right to spread an international gay-pride mardi gras really worth the risk of another tick on the doomsday clock?

Freedom of creative endeavors and freedom for women to advertise their sex appeal have the effect—over each generation—of boosting men’s intellectual capacity beyond simple-minded dominance and mindless social following, plus developing women’s physical health, beauty, and sex appeal as the two genders compete for mates. Dull men are not curious. They don’t explore, create, or have style; hot women prevent men from being dull, pressuring humanity to develop into something more than what it was, while men shape women into a healthy and exciting reason to live!

You might think of this as an oversimplification; noticing local social dynamics at any given time is more complex than this, and you would be right! However, if you look at the big picture of time, sexual selection plays a huge part in shaping who and what we are, including our very conscious awareness. Just ask yourself: Why are dolphins so smart? Scientists think it’s largely due to how mates are selected in dolphin society.

Both the mate-selection arena and cultural customs might be the most difficult to discuss underlying friction points that are preventing the Muslim culture and the West from resolving differences once and for all, and in my opinion, both sides are far from ideal and can be vastly improved.

Could Women be the Key to Peace?
In those regions of the world where there are desirable women, there are intelligent men with strong self-control. It takes intelligence to judge beauty and sex appeal and self-control to resist temptation long enough to not settle for anything less. When enough men refuse to settle, they improve the gene pool, ensuring women are healthy and desirable. Women in turn ensure the population is intelligent with strong self-control when they choose men with intellects (independent thinkers who don’t settle) instead of simple-minded dominant men or blind social followers (religious men).

Intelligent men with strong self-control are not obsessively focused on dominance. They instead have a healthy portion of their focus on desirable women. In other words, they have three basic instincts: dominance, mate-selection, and territory. Men with lower IQs and weak self-control tend to be more macho. They are hyper-focused on [dominance]; they see women as [territorial] possessions to support their quest to achieve [dominance]. In other words, they have one basic instinct: [dominance]. If one of these types of men has a desirable woman, he might just want her to help elevate his social status.

Note: In places like China, young men and women were historically obligated to build the family structure. For long stretches of history, starting with Confucius ('Master Kong'; 551-479 BCE), sex was regulated by then leaders for the purpose of family creation and not pleasure; however, concubines (a woman who cohabits with a man without being legally married to him) were legal during some time periods in China.

When it came to choosing a mate, arranged marriages and a “Make Do” philosophy were what they lived by; true sexual selection was almost nonexistent. In more recent times (20th century), women's sexual attractiveness was condemned as capitalist decadence.

Consequently, there are almost no genetically endowed sexy people in China. Yes, there are some cool-looking Asians like Bruce Lee, but nearly all 1.4 billion people in China are void of genetic sex appeal and appear simply as dull, unblossomed figures, lacking very noticable masculine and feminine characteristics (both face and body). The skull of the Asian race is even shaped differently, not requiring large, sexy hips like Caucasian women to allow a baby's head to pass through the birth canal.
This dullness is reflected in their cultures lack of exploratory and creative endeavors. For example, instead of inventing, the Chinese, by and large, just copied. In fact, the Chinese government punishes high achievers, original thinkers, and creative innovators. Therefore, without a rich [mate-selection] life that encourages men to compete for women by showing off in sometimes creative and flashy ways and women competing for men through creative sex appeal acts, the Chinese express a greater need for dominance through patriarchy and territorial security. The leader of China appears to be obsessed with conquest as he plots global dominance and territorial expansion this century.

On the far left, under extreme Muslim restrictions, women live in fear and feel powerless as they are dependent on men. They are forbidden to advertise or validate their sexuality to fulfill their need for dominance. They don’t own their sexuality; their sexuality is managed by men, channeled through Islam.

On the right, Western women are independent and own their sexuality. They are free to advertise or validate their sexual power using new technologies invented by man (cameras and the internet) to elevate men's frustration to new levels not seen before in all of human history, while simultaneously denying men love and profiting financially off men's chronic frustration. Women show no mercy, as they are not managed by a social institution like religion.

Earlier in this essay, I discussed two possible causes of hot-headedness (aggression), which is a reflection of weak self-control and lower IQ’s found in some Arab men:

1. In regions where the population is too large for the available resources, aggression aids in an individual's survival, causing evolution to shift strategies away from even-tempered honesty by directing women to prefer social warriors (men who charismatically persuade their way through life, including sometimes lying, cheating, and stealing).

2. Poverty can overwhelm an individual's mental tolerance to cope, thinning out their self-control and overtaxing their IQ, making them more likely to blame other people or groups for their circumstances.

And the third cause of aggression:

3. A few Arab men with wounded pride [dominance] are masquerading as leaders in an attempt to use Jews as scapegoats for their unfortunate life circumstances. They’ve hijacked Palestine’s version of Islam and repurposed it into a psychological weapon, transmuting the basic instincts of [mate-selection] and [territory] into [dominance] in a process of social programming young, vulnerable, ignorant, and poor Arab men with little future. These men are directed to fight Jews to the death with the promise of a virgin-filled paradise in the afterlife. In other words, the promise to fulfill the basic instincts [dominance], [mate-selection], and [territory] in exchange for Israel’s destruction.

I claim that the role women play in society amounts to no less than half the key to peace. The great religions of the world appear to limit women’s independence from men for good reason, including Islam to a greater extent. Women’s freedoms have both a direct and indirect effect on how men’s need for [dominance] plays out (will men become religious oppressors or explorers and creators), will men be sexually satisfied or live a frustrated daily life in crises [mate-selection], and will birth rates overwhelm useful land and available resources [territory], causing desperation and anarchy?

Reasonable, Forward Thinking and Civilized
Maybe if two groups of people claim ownership over a territory, the ownership rights should go to the more advanced group. By advanced, I'm referring to the group that is measurably more reasonable, forward-thinking, and civilized.

Reasonable: basing claims and decisions on objective evidence and updateable knowledge as opposed to subjective social beliefs derived from absolute religion.

Forward Thinking: focus on the children’s future—by updating the country's technology and infrastructure and adopting the latest ideas from the best and brightest people instead of continuing to live like peasants fixated on biblical text.

Civilized: think of constructive solutions instead of using innocent civilians as human shields and conducting beheadings. Terrorist acts are acts of savagery.

Israel is more advanced than the current Palestinian leaders governing Gaza, known as Hamas, because the Jews are more forward-thinking and civilized. The Jews chose to modernize their country's infrastructure and economy into a safe and desirable place to live, and the Jews as a culture don’t tolerate terror.

Ideas to help the Next Generation
The 5000-year-old confidence invention known as organized religion has passed. Subjective beliefs block understanding and prevent ‘once and for all’ solutions. Fortunately, every generation is becoming less religious than previous generations. To bring Palestinians, Israel, and the West into closer cultural alignment, I suggest the following:

1. Help our leaders understand the value of objective thinking over subjective belief. Specifically, subjective beliefs are used on both sides (Palestinians and Jews) to justify the claim of territory and to feel special or superior over the opposing group. No one is at fault; this is evolution’s way to compete for resources.

2. Help our leaders learn basic instinct math to aid in policymaking. When leaders understand our basic instincts—dominance, mate-selection, and territory—they can more effectively strategize a peace plan.

3. Help our leaders ask for help! Set up a website that can collect ideas (not aid) from around the world. I’m sure there are some really smart people in this world who would love to add their two cents to the collective think tank.

4. Israel overreached (greed) when it took so much [territory] from the Palestinians in past wars (pre-1970). Israel should relinquish at least a small portion of territory to the Palestinians as a gesture to help relieve tensions. Also, develop and implement a long-term plan to reduce the differences between Jews and Palestinians, allowing one day to take down the wall that separates the two cultures. This can only happen when the two cultures are similar enough in IQ, attractiveness, education, beliefs or moral character, values, social and economic status, language, etc.

5. Develop Palestinian family planning programs to match birth rates to available resources and territory. When birth rates are low, quality of life can improve. Citizens can move from crowded apartment buildings to free-standing ocean-view houses. This will improve self-esteem and help Palestinian men go from survive to thrive, plus give them something to lose if they choose war over peace.

6. Encourage international investment using Go Fund Me/Kick Starter to raise money for infrastructure rebuild; specifically, to develop a wide array of opportunities for Palestinian men to express their dominance through hobbies or endeavors so they are not solely dependent on Islam for their dominance: indoor rock climbing, fooootball, body building, motorcycling, golf, wind surfing, billiards, coding, 3D printing shops, robotics contests, making electronic music, traveling, product design, business startups, a Laugh Factory, water park, Tour de Gaza bike race, horse racing, television shows like Chopped Kitchen Challenge, etc.

7. Encourage Palestine to adopt a social design allowing women greater independence like western women, but not to the extent of working in masculine career fields and external leadership positions that men normally hold. Women will be of great value as internal leaders (coordinating, communicating, teaching, logistics, planning the nicer things in life, lubricating the gears to keep the group in social harmony, etc.). They can serve in other positions as long as they don’t abandon their femininity and act as love interests and moms. As technology improves quality of life and provides for a variety of endeavors, as mentioned above in idea number 6, women will gain social status [dominance] as they participate in such endeavors. This will cause them to fall out of love with their men, as they will see less of a need for them, especially if they are allowed to have social media accounts. Maybe women could be incentivized to give birth to fewer boys than girls.

8. Encourage Palestine to adopt a social design allowing women to splurge on their fashion style in public spaces and sexually advertise in private venues. Restrict private venue space to even-tempered, honest men; religious zealots and savages need not apply. Both men and women can be vetted using a point system similar to my Promocracy design. See: Time to Replace Democracy...

9. In Palestine, the focus is usually on the men who behave like terrorists, yet behind some of the terrorists are women who enable, support, love, and proliferate their genes. There is no shortage of women in this world who find monsters irresistible! Maybe education programs for women can be included in a plan as well as the installation of thousands of hotline communication links spread throughout the Gaza Strip so authorities outside of Gaza can receive feedback from concerned Gaza citizens. Oprah Winfrey gave each girl in a village in sub-Saharan Africa a cell phone so the girls could call Oprah directly if they felt threatened.

10. I can envision a future brain technology on the horizon that can locate and remove the more hardcore irrational beliefs from a believer's brain. Using harmonic sound waves or vibrations that can noninvasively focus on a pin point without touching the skull or surrounding tissue, toggle or adjust the microvoltage or magnetic fields of the neurocircuitry to a different setting, or just delete the mental knot altogether, It would be similar to visiting the dentist for a dental cleaning; only this new technology will remove the buildup of belief in the brain.

I finish with a caveman summary: replacing religion with men who can think plus hot women equals peace.

I hope I provided some perspective or ideas to help leaders take steps in a new direction so the past is not repeated.
